Travel Management Blog

Direct-Booking What? The Truth Behind the European Booking War

In recent years, you could be forgiven for thinking that the term ‘direct-booking’ strikes fear into the hearts of online travel agents everywhere. The tussle for dominance between hoteliers and OTAs has been presented as a fierce battle that's shaking the very core of the travel industry. However, a thorough examination of the facts reveals that it isn’t. Not even close. In fact, outside of the US at least, it’s actually more a playground spat than an epic war.

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Travel Industry Major Players on the Effects of a Brexit

We recently looked at some of the many ways that Brexit could affect the travel industry, but what do the sector's heavy hitters think of the prospect of the UK leaving the EU?  

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Should We Stay or Should We Go Now? What a Brexit Could Mean for the Travel Industry

The responses to a possible “Brexit” range from “meh, nothing will really change much” to “we’re all doomed!” But what would Britain leaving the EU actually mean for the travel industry?

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